Sunday, August 29, 2010

Things to bring for the Retreat!

Dear All,

There's only 5 more days until the Annual SE Fall Retreat! Below are some reminders for things to bring!

1. TWIN SIZE SHEETS!! BED LINENS, Pillows (not necessary but if you want your own) etc. Stuffed animal(if you need it to sleep) :)
2. Towels, toiletries (toothbrush-please, towels, shaving, shower gel, shampoo, DEODORANT...)
3. Clothes that are comfortable and appropriate for both indoor and outdoor activities on Friday and Saturday)
4. INSECT REPELLENT!! please bring it, if you have some. it will be useful in avoiding fatal mosquito-born illnesses.
5. Comfortable shoes, you will do a lot of walking in areas that are not concrete, so please no high heels.
6. Clothing for sports -appropriate clothing.
7. Church clothes for Sunday- There is a chapel where we will have Holy Qurbana so Dress appropriately. Also have nice clothing for Saturday evening prayer,
as it will also be in the chapel.
9. English Qurbana Kramam or the "Living Sacrifice" book.
10. Ideas for MGOCSM and our Church.
11. An enthusiastic and energetic spirit- Come with the right mind, and you will DEFINITELY enjoy this years retreat!!

Thank you!! See you soon!

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